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XML ValidatorBuddy 2.7

XML ValidatorBuddy 2.7

XML ValidatorBuddy Publisher's Description

Easy and convenient XML validation with XML ValidatorBuddy. With this tool you can start to check your XML files immediately after the installation even from the Windows File Explorer! The installation includes Xerces and supports other popular XML parsers. If you are working with HTML use the power of the CSE HTML Validator to check your HTML files. With ValidatorBuddy you can run MSXML, Xerces or AltovaXML from the File Explorer, in XMLSpy and as batch!

1. Use all supported parsers in Windows Explorer and get detailed validation reports.
2. Check your XML files with the most popular validators available.
3. Get all errors at once in the XML instance by using the Xerces parser.
4. See the results directly in XMLSpy and fix any validation errors.
5. Schematron support.
7. Improve your HTML pages with the CSE HTML Validator.
8. Powerful batch tool.

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